Mini cucumber sandwiches are an easy appetizer perfect for picnics, parties or family gatherings. To make these refreshing bites you only need bread, cucumbers and tasty cream cheese mixture.
Cut the tops of the cucumber off and peel its skin (optional). Now cut off a chunk that is as long as the width of your bread. Slice it. Repeat again with another chunk of cucumber.
Place them onto sheets of paper kitchen towel and sprinkle with salt. Set aside.
Meanwhile: Prepare the spread by combining cream cheese, mayonnaise, dillweed, soy sauce, mustard and black pepper (see note 1).
With paper kitchen towels remove the moisture that the salt drew out of the cucumber by patting them dry.
Spread 3 bread slices with cream cheese mixture. Arrange cucumber slices on top of one of the slices and cover with another slice (the spread-side down). Spread the top of this slice with some more cream cheese. Cover with cucumber slices and top with bread, spread-side down.
Cut this into 9 pieces (see note 4), insert toothpicks and repeat with the other 3 slices.
This step can be easily done with a spoon, but you can also use an electric whisk, if preferred.
Mustard can be omitted completely.
These sandwiches are best served right away or within 2-3 hours (note that this time can vary, depending on various factors) as the longer they sit the soggier they get.
Use a Chef’s knife to cut them. A bread knife (or any knife with a serrated blade) does not work well here. The easiest way to cut is to make a quick cut right through, almost like a push through the bread down to the bottom.
For more information and tips, please have a look at the whole post.